Supporting ICCN Ecoguards
ICCN, L'Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature, is the government authority tasked with safeguarding protected areas across the country, including the Okapi Wildlife Reserve. Recently, ICCN ecoguards confiscated illegally collected African grey parrots, a chimpanzee and a blue monkey at various checkpoints throughout the Reserve.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding all wildlife in the Reserve, OCP provides initial stabilizing care for confiscated animals until they may be released or transferred to a facility for longer-term care. Currently, we are providing initial stabilizing care for four parrots and have facilitated the safe transfer of the chimpanzee and blue monkey to J.A.C.K. (Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga) a primate rehabilitation facility in Lubumbashi in southern DR Congo. All these species are fully protected animals in the country, and our education teams continually work to inform and educate communities they are protected.
The confiscated chimpanzee
The confiscated blue monkey
In addition to this quarter’s wildlife care and rehabilitation, we assisted WCS and ICCN in awareness-raising activities for the launch of the recruitment of new ICCN ecoguards for the Okapi Wildlife Reserve in Bunia and Isiro. The objective was to inform local authorities and the public about the official call for tenders, explaining the ecoguard mission, admission criteria, and application requirements for those interested in joining the ecoguard team.
Visit from the Deputy Site Manager of the OWR to Niania to see the ecoguard recruitment process
OCP Educator Faustin assiting with ecoguard awareness and recruitment
Furthermore, we marked World Ranger Day on July 31 with the theme "I stand with ecoguards to protect wildlife and natural areas." This celebration acknowledges and honors the dedication of ecoguards in their crucial role in preserving the invaluable landscape of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve.
Street procession in Epulu for World Ranger Day