Help Protect the Okapi and their Rainforest Home
Your contribution funds the protection of okapi and many other endangered species through community programs providing education, healthcare, and support for local communities. All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.
Actions to Protect Okapi
Contributing is the most effective way to protect okapi, but here are several other ways you can make an impact:
Share your love for okapi.
Tell your friends and family about these threatened places. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself.
Recycle your cellphone and other electronic devices.
Eighty percent of all coltan, a metal used in the manufacturing of many devices, is mined in the DR Congo, which contributes to significant habitat destruction in the regions. Recycling your electronic device can help reduce your environmental impact.. Many retailers including Best Buy and Staples recycle electronics for free. Check out the EPA (or your nation’s) electronic recycling guide.

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