Healthcare is Critical for Reserve Staff
Healthcare is the number one requested need by communities in the region.
At our Okapi Clinic in Epulu, we provide healthcare and treatments to the Okapi Wildlife Reserve staff and their families - including ICCN, WCS, OCP - and the indigenous Mbuti.
Through the generous support of a Wildlife Conservation Network donor, we were able to expand storage facilities at the Okapi Clinic and construct an incinerator to properly and safely dispose of any biohazardous waste. We were also able to purchase additional equipment and treatment supplies to ease the care of our ICCN ecoguards and Okapi Wildlife Reserve staff.
Okapi Clinic staff with new equipment
This support is especially appreciated as we expect healthcare needs to increase with the growing recruitment of ecoguards over the next year. In the protection of the Reserve from threats of illegal gold and diamond mining, logging, and poaching, ecoguards face harsh elements and high-risk encounters. OCP will continue to provide quality, accessible care to ensure their health in the field.
Incinerator to properly dispose of hazardous waste
New storage building and generator house for 24-hour electricity
In these efforts, the continued education of our healthcare staff remains a priority. Last year, we sent four of our eight Okapi Clinic nurses to a several-week training to expand their knowledge of new treatment techniques. This year, we are sending an additional four nurses to undergo similar training to ensure optimal care for Reserve staff, their families, and the indigenous Mbuti.