From the Field: International Women’s Day

In the face of the formidable challenges confronting women and girls in conflict-stricken regions like North Kivu and Ituri, International Women's Day was observed with heartfelt acknowledgement and solidarity with those fighting each day for their rights. Though devoid of the customary festivities, the event served as a platform for reflection and constructive dialogue. The international theme emphasized the need to increase resources for women and girls to promote peace and parity in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

How can we support women during these trying times? OCP supports five women's groups that offer a safe space for women to gather and collectively approach challenges. Training and resources provided empower women to generate alternative income supportive of healthcare costs and family needs. Additionally, initiatives like community gardens, developed in collaboration with our agroforestry team, promote independence, livelihood support, and food security, aiming to enhance women's well-being and amplify their voices in conservation efforts. 

A resilient spirit preserves against adversity as women steadfastly pursue equity and peace. On International Women’s Day and every day, OCP stands with women, committed to their empowerment and right to safety.


In Memoriam: Chief Zaire Nzikale Badiki (1945 - 2024)


Conservation Calendars: Celebrating Indigenous Stewardship